
Main camp gate of Auschwitz I - Poland (UNESCO)

Tree postcards of the main gate of Auschwitz I concentration camp with the inscription "Arbeit macht frei" (Work will set you free)

© Pawel Sawicki (photo) / Panstwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau

Sent from Auschwitz

© Pawel Sawicki (photo) / Panstwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau


© Pawel Sawicki (photo) / Panstwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau


"The fortified walls, barbed wire, platforms, barracks, gallows, gas chambers and cremation ovens show the conditions within which the Nazi genocide took place in the former concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest in the Third Reich. According to historical investigations, 1.5 million people, among them a great number of Jews, were systematically starved, tortured and murdered in this camp, the symbol of humanity's cruelty to its fellow human beings in the 20th century." In: UNESCO


  1. ai God...eu estive aki e é 1 local de facto...aterrador... mas achei mt interessante ter lá estado... deve ter sido horrível tudo akilo....:(

    1. eu acho que deveria ser um local a visitar por toda a gente! todos os que lá vão não saem de lá indiferentes! gostei de lá ver grupos de várias escolas de alguns países europeus em visita de estudo, uma coisa é abordar o assunto, outra é visioná-lo in loco...


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